
As long as you remain standing

As long as you remain standing is now available in printed and digital formats.

PDF: Free

If you have not read the PDF, click here to download it. (1.16 MB)

PAPERBACK: US$8.95 £6.49, €7.65


DIGITAL: various formats: US$5.99

Smashwords – EPUB (iPad, Sony Reader, iPhone, Kobo, Nook, BeBook, and other e-readers, including PCs), MOBI (for Kindle, as well as Windows computers and other e-readers)

DIGITAL: Amazon Kindle edition: US$5.99*

Amazon – free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

* Please note that Amazon reserves the right to change prices without notifying the author/publisher, so the above price may not correspond with the price at amazon.com



Solank jy staande bly

Solank jy staande bly is nou beskikbaar in gedrukte vorm en in verskeie digitale formate.

PDF: Gratis

Indien jy nog nie die PDF gelees het nie, kliek hier om dit af te laai. (1.16 MB)

GEDRUKTE KOPIE: US$8.95 £6.49, €7.65


(Gedrukte kopieë sal binnekort bestel kan word in Suid-Afrika.)

DIGITAAL: verskeie formate: US$5.99

Smashwords – EPUB (iPad, Sony Reader, iPhone, Kobo, Nook, BeBook, en ander elektroniese leestoestelle, insluitende rekenaars), MOBI (vir Kindle, asook Windows rekenaars, en ander elektroniese leestoestelle)

DIGITAL: Amazon Kindle: US$5.99*

Amazon – sluit in gratis internasionale draadlose aflewering via Amazon Whispernet

* Let asseblief daarop dat Amazon die reg voorbehou om boeke se pryse te verander sonder om die skrywer/uitgewer in kennis te stel, so bogenoemde prys mag dalk nie dieselfde wees op amazon.com nie.



Time doesn’t really fly

Time doesn’t really fly … and other pieces on other subjects is now available in printed and digital formats.

PDF: Free

If you have not read the PDF, click here to download it. (754 KB)

PAPERBACK: US$6.95 £4.95, €5.65


DIGITAL: various formats: US$4.99

Smashwords – EPUB (iPad, Sony Reader, iPhone, Kobo, Nook, BeBook, and other e-readers, including PCs), MOBI (for Kindle, as well as Windows computers and other e-readers)

DIGITAL: Amazon Kindle edition: US$4.99*

Amazon – free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

* Please note that Amazon reserves the right to change prices without notifying the author/publisher, so the above price may not correspond with the price at amazon.com



Tyd vlieg nie regtig nie

Tyd vlieg nie regtig nie … en ander stukke oor ander onderwerpe is nou beskikbaar in gedrukte vorm en in verskeie digitale formate.

PDF: Gratis

Indien jy nog nie die PDF gelees het nie, kliek hier om dit af te laai. (804 KB)

GEDRUKTE KOPIE: US$6.95 £4.95, €5.65


(Gedrukte kopieë sal binnekort bestel kan word in Suid-Afrika.)

DIGITAAL: verskeie formate: US$4.99

Smashwords – EPUB (iPad, Sony Reader, iPhone, Kobo, Nook, BeBook, en ander elektroniese leestoestelle, insluitende rekenaars), MOBI (vir Kindle, asook Windows rekenaars en ander elektroniese leestoestelle)

DIGITAL: Amazon Kindle: US$4.99*

Amazon – sluit in gratis internasionale draadlose aflewering via Amazon Whispernet

* Let asseblief daarop dat Amazon die reg voorbehou om boeke se pryse te verander sonder om die skrywer/uitgewer in kennis te stel, so bogenoemde prys mag dalk nie dieselfde wees op amazon.com nie.



Not a table, a dog or a pencil

Not a table, a dog or a pencil is now available in printed and digital formats.

PDF: Free

If you have not read the PDF, click here to download it. (1.12 MB)

PAPERBACK: US$8.95, £6.35, €7.25


DIGITAL: various formats: US$5.99

Smashwords – EPUB (iPad, Sony Reader, iPhone, Kobo, Nook, BeBook, and other e-readers, including PCs), MOBI (for Kindle, as well as Windows computers and other e-readers)

DIGITAL: Amazon Kindle edition: US$5.99*

Amazon – free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

* Please note that Amazon reserves the right to change prices without notifying the author/publisher, so the above price may not correspond with the price at amazon.com
